Tuesday, 28 March 2017


Forget about your muscles, that's not what I'm talking about. I mean how to be the type of man ladies fall head over heels in love with and desperately wants to marry and how to be the type of husband your wife respects and adores for life.
Men who genuinely love God love others with passion.
That is a huge pointer you are a man indeed. A man who can control his temper and appetite is a commander of any woman's respect.
Having no job or business is a sign you seriously need to grow up.
Women line up for men who have a great future.
5. YOU DON'T DEMAND FOR SEX IN COURTSHIP: That is a big turn on for a serious lady and she eagerly looks forward to being your bride.
6. YOU ARE GENEROUS: Stingy men are not men at all.
Have you heard the stories of men who hide under the bed, wardrobe and only God knows where when robbers came visiting the home? It was the woman who faced the inevitable and acted like the man. Coward!!!
A woman needs the basic things of life to be comfortable. Giving her a comfortable accommodation, allowance and ensuring your family eat well and bills are paid on time is a sign you are a man. There is no excuse to fail in this area. If your job is not paying enough, work harder to get promotion or change your job. Learn about profitable investments and don't be complacent with mediocrity.
I know men will like this one and most have this quality minus all the other ones put together. No mater how you make a woman scream and moan in bed, if you do not take good care of her she will eventually hate both you and the sex.
A woman wants a man she can look up to respect, value and honour. Make yourself honourable.
God bless.

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Ezi Nwanyi Bu Ife'.

Ezi nwanyi bu ife........
   The valued woman!!
When she stepped into a young man's life , he become a full blown man of honor.
When she stepped into a house, she turn it to a home.
When she conceives, she brings up kings and queens.
When she prays, she command the host of heaven for her help.
When she sings, God himself comes down for her rescue........
She turns her complaints and murmuring into praying.
Her children understands every blink of her eye.
She understands every steps of her husband.
She's never afraid whenever she hears of her mother inlaw visiting her home.....
Indeed, ezi nwanyi bu ife'.
Anthony Beulah Champion

Friday, 3 March 2017

Absolute Focus, Absolute Success Will Be Guaranteed.

I know the reason why many people are not progressing or not achieving success. They have lost on important area of success called FOCUS. How do you become successful when you want to do everything to become successful. Note this please, people who are successful never tried to be successful; they only solved a problem. You don't need to do great things or extraordinary things to achieve success, only one problem you solve will make you successful, how do you solve problems when you packed like 6000 problems at once? That's the problem! You want to solve too many problems and that is why you haven't been successful. Only few things are necessary, reduce your stress by focusing only on important things. Focus only on things that leads you to success. Don't try to do everything, do only the things that are important.
     Be Lifted!
Anthony Beulah Champion.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017


Our success in this life is hinged on our belief system. Fear when conceived, gives birth to failure! The universe won't stop us unless we degrade ourselves. Reason being that God from creation has bequitted us with that dominion and power to take charge of our world...(Gen 1:26).
Learn to subdue fear under you and begin to live  the life God has destined you to live from today!! The great Buhda once said " He's able who says he's able ". There's an innate ability in every man. It takes self discovery and practise to materialize it and make meaning out of life. The universe won't stop us unless we stopped ourselves. Reason being that "The earth has He given to the sons of men " . What is your belief system?  Fear? There's an innate potentials deposited in every man that even Satan can't withstood us from maximizing it. If we are truly a child of the most high, the maker of all things, then we are not meant to be under servitude! To have the universe deliver unto us our right :
• Have a recreated mindset. Change your belief system from that of fear to ' I can do it mindset''.
• Discover where you are meant to function and take charge of it.
• Take a bold step towards actualizing your discovered potentials.
•  Make the right friendship. Walk with the like minded people. Those who are to help you in accomplishing your goals.
•  Enrol into mentorship. Seek for directions from those who have excelled in the direction you are going to.
• Be truthful to yourself in areas you know that you can't do it alone. Be truthful to your mentor!
And having done these,  the universe won't deny you your right till you bid goodbye to be with your creator!

Sunday, 12 February 2017


Myles Munroe once said "The greatest gift God gave man is not the gift of sight, but the gift of vision.
Helen Keller was asked in an interview, which she communicated through braille, "Miss Keller, is there anything worse than being blind? " She paused for a moment and, in her very unique way of talking, said, " what's worst than being blind is having sight without vision ".
Vision birthed faith in a man. God requires faith first from you before He descend for your help. Faith will erase every phrase of negative thoughts and feelings. Never let what your eye sees determine what your heart believes. That will render life useless for you!
Negative thoughts belittles a man before his big God!  It irritates God to see a man with a cockroach heart and a gorilla face standing before Him asking or praying for His touch. God is after a cheerful heart and a faithful fellow. The number of prayers and decrees made over your life has nothing to offer when your faith is far fetched from you!!  You need peace, then build your life around positive thoughts and surround yourself with positive and godly people today🔚

Wednesday, 8 February 2017


Part one!

" The tragedy of life is not that we die,but what dies inside a man while he lives "-  Albert Schweitzer.

There is an ability, gifts and talents inside of you, but it is your ability and responsibility to identify it and utilize it and cause it to see the light of the day. A man who have identified his purpose in life will be hard-pressed until he sees the reality of that his purpose. Therefore,your purpose and ability must marry your passion. Don't waste your energy on frivolities and things which will not add values into your life. Remember this that until you discover your purpose in life, the manifestation of your greatness will only be but a mirage. Pursue that dream with dexterity and determination today and you will stand to see your name written on the sand of time.
follow those dreams
     "Neither you nor the world knows what you can do until you have tried"
       Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Acting in accordance with your dream to see that it becomes a reality is one of the key attributes for success in life. Life doesn't treat kindly to  those who gave up their dreams. The best you can be when you quit is to help others live their own dreams while you stands as a destitute of purpose. My question is this, would you rather quit to live the dream of others? No! For you to do that, it simply mean that your creation was a waste of God's precious time. You are just occupying space. There is no celebration in quitting at all! Rather, you are celebrated when you comes out with a a good result. Dear friend! Know this that dreams not backed up with and pursued passionately, will wilt just like a flower that is void of watering. Old school thinking says that " Dreams and work are like oil and water but with the awareness and the activation of the law of attraction, more and more people are getting it that, until they follow their dreams; the success they seek will remain at a bay". Hence, never allow your vision to escape you,just as a fire will die without fuel,so too will your visions and dreams unless you keep them constantly alive.
To be Continued..........

Wednesday, 1 February 2017



Napoleon Hill, the author of the book THINK AND GROW RICH, said in the book that "Desire is the starting point of all achievement" He also went on to say that "All accomplishments, no matter what's its nature or purpose must begin with an intense burning desire for something definite."
Desire is indispensable to success. I've never seen anyone that succeeds in any undertaken whether good or bad, without a desire. Simply put, without desire, no success!
I have observed the life of some successful men around me I know, they all have one thing in common: they're desirous people. Their successes spring from their desires. They have a desire for what they're doing and also for what they want.
According to dictionary definition, desire is "a strong wish to have or do something". It's a deep seated hunger, dissatisfaction and unfulfillment in your heart to do or have something. It's a craving, longing etc.
The indispensability of desire to success can never be overestimated. Lack of desire for something definite is one of the major factors of failure. You can't succeed in anything without desire.
Desire is the raw material for perseverance, determination, consistency etc. Without a desire, you'll be easily discouraged in your pursuit, your determination or perseverance won't last long.
Desire is like stamina, it'll keep you going in the face of adverse situations, oppositions, challenges etc.
Desire enables and empowers you to pay the price for anything you want in life.
But how do one cultivate the desire for whatever one want to do or have?
To cultivate means to grow, develop, foster, stir or turn on something.
So, to cultivate the desire for anything, you need to think on the following questions,
1. Why do you want to achieve that?
2. What do you stand to gain if you achieve that? Thinking on the why and benefits of what you want will grow, develop, foster, tend and stir your desire.

Courtesy: Okolie Samuel™.

Monday, 30 January 2017


If you cannot be like everyone else,make effort to be different™

Man were created by one God but with different purpose. It takes a man who has come into knowledge of His God that will know his purpose! Having known this purpose,it takes being different to make a good result our his purpose...... We can't run the same race in the in course of our destiny pursuit(s) that's why we must strive hard to identify his purpose and become distinguished in his found calling....    Decision cum discretion and determination to be different from others is what really recognizes US set us apart from others!!
   It's a blessed Monday™

Saturday, 28 January 2017


It's men of one thing that changed the world! Hit and run visionaries are just bye-passers in this world. They are not:
√ Dedicated to their purpose
√ Responsible enough to defend their vision
√ Not humble enough to learn from their mistakes
√  Have poor attitude
√  Thinking is far from them. They do not make their brain to sweat!
√ Make prayer a habit, not knowing that prayer alone without work is much more like putting pressure on God.
   Chose to be a man of ONE THING THIS YEAR...........

Sunday, 22 January 2017


Every day we wake up and get set to go out. Some people get ready to go to work, school, a meeting or an appointment.

There is one movement or the other everywhere you go. People are in frenzy; they are  literally taking to their heels. Everybody is in a hurry to get to some place. Where?

The big question however is: how many people really know where they are going in life?

Every journey must have a destination. Life is a journey. Before God allowed us to be   born into this world, He made a plan for our lives. This shows that every single person has a purpose for being alive, but not everyone discovers that purpose. So it is left to you to discover your purpose by asking God who created you and sent you here.

The discovery of God’s purpose is the foundation for successful living and this discovery yields certain benefits.

* Purpose gives direction: It inspires us to dream of our destination in life and we only   travel on the road that leads to that destination. When you do not know where you are   going, anyone is free to direct you and any path can take you anywhere. But a sense of  purpose tells you which way to go or not to go.

* Purpose launches us on a crusade: Each of us is born to solve a problem. Purpose gives us a cause for which we can be willing to live and die.  It helps us to live a life of contribution. If you are not living for something, you can die for anything. When you    discover the purpose for which you are on earth, you cannot die anyhow. Death only respects the man that knows his purpose for being alive.

* Purpose guarantees our ultimate success:

“For we know that all things work together for good for them that love God, who are called according to his purpose.”  Provision, protection and divine assistance are guaranteed when we are carrying out God’s assignment for our lives. Your purpose determines the resources you need per time. The reason why you are not getting some things could be because it is not in line with your purpose or it is not time yet. Many years ago, I wanted so desperately to leave the country to supposedly “greener pastures.” I tried all I could but I was denied visa, even to Kenya. Others would have thought it was the work of the enemy or enemies, but now I know it was simply not time yet for me to travel out.

* Purpose makes it easier for us to make choices in life: Once you discover your  destination, making decisions on your career, choice of life partner and location becomes easier.

* Purpose breeds confidence: Discovery of purpose reveals who we are. It enhances your esteem. It helps us realize that we are not inferior to others, we are only different. When you know your purpose, you will not compare yourself to others. “For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. But they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.”

* Purpose breeds persistence: Knowing that our success is ultimately guaranteed by God who makes us to hold on in the face of adversity. We realize that negative circumstances are always temporary.

* Purpose makes us original: When we are left to ourselves, we usually imitate others.

The discovery of purpose puts us in a class of our own. God specializes in making originals and not duplicates.

Finally purpose keeps you alive: Once God shows you your destination in life, it is inevitable you will arrive there, if you do not give up. Several attempts were made on the life of Christ. But he escaped, because he was destined only to die on the cross.

Discover your purpose and you will be on the path of success!

You will succeed!

Thursday, 12 January 2017


We live in a society of sheep. People are sensitive to everything. A world where people need safe spaces because their feelings got hurt. If we don’t prefer something, we complain. People think life isn’t fair to only them. They put the blame on others instead of themselves. It’s in this world, one breed that stands tall. Lions will rise against the sheep.
The Lions are the successful ones. Every time you turn to look around, they’ve accomplished something greater. While you are staying a
sheep, their roar is getting louder. Those who are lions started as cubs. Perhaps they were once sheep themselves. But you can transform into a lion.

1 . Getting up before sunrise
Most people get out of bed and go straight to work. They take hours to get started. Then it’s lunch time. Their full and unproductive once again. They go home from work executing minimal.
The lion gets up before the sunrise. They wake between four and five in the morning. When you’re getting up, a lion has done work. In what you achieve in one day, a lion has accomplished by nine in the morning.
Lions include this practice on the weekends.
They don’t slip into the mediocrity mindset.
They don’t care about going out and partying. A lions work wakes him.

2 . Cold shower
While most people don’t dare to take a cold shower, a lion takes one everyday. Whether it’s zero degrees or eighty degrees, he knows through this uncomfortable process, he will get stronger.
A lion understands that if he can get an edge over his competition, he will take it. Hot
showers have no benefit for a person. Cold
showers can help relieve your stress and boost your energy levels.
No matter how tough it might be, a lion will take a cold shower. Others will think of him as crazy, he knows the average mindset speaking.

3 . Read 1 hour a day.
Lions are improving themselves every day. The person they were last month doesn’t compare to the person they were today. Lions read between fifty to sixty books per year. They
read books on everything and have a vast
knowledge of the world.
Sheep read one book per year if that. They’re not listening to audiotapes in the car. Reading a book won’t cross their mind.
Lions will use this to their advantage. A true lion knows if it wants to get ahead in life,
he must apply the knowledge he reads. He’s a voracious reader and let’s nothing stand in his way.

4 . Completes daily tasks.
Before each day, a lion writes what he must achieve. He numbers the list and knows when he wakes up the next morning, he’ll hit the ground running.
With the tasks to achieve, a lion is sacred in completing them. No one will stop him from achieving the day. When a lion sets these
tasks, they are out of his reach. This will force him to grow.
He will not sleep until his tasks are done. Lions
have the self-discipline it takes to become successful. They know it starts with what they do each day.

5 . Doesn’t waste time.
Sheeps of the world spend countless hours on
their phone and watching TV. You wouldn’t dare to see a lion use a TV in his house.
They don’t want that temptation.
The only time they use their phone is if they are doing business. While majority of people are wasting time on social media, lions are completing their tasks. They are getting faster and they are getting stronger. Lions use this as an asset.
A lion uses the power of suppression to dull the need to waste time. They don’t pick up the phone unless they need to. Lions don’t know what’s happening in the world. They are one-hundred percent focused on growing their business and mastering their craft.

6 . Eat healthy.
Lions pay attention to what they’re eating.
Sheeps eat everything in sight. They don’t understand how it will affect their performance.
Sheeps put it off until tomorrow while a lion focuses on today.
A lion will plan out his meals according to a schedule. He knows when to take a break and
eat. He focuses on eating the foods that will sustain and give him energy throughout the
day. A sheep never pays attention to his diet. A lion will gain power. Trust me, they put it to their best use.

7 . Exercise.
Someone who’s a lion never goes a full day without exercise. Whether that’s power lifting or cardio. You wouldn’t catch a lion not improving his body. A sheep is one to never
Lions have their programs for working out. They either purchased these or work with a trainer. Lions understand that it’s not only important to strengthen your mind, but to strengthen your body. There’s not one place in which a lion wants to lack.
Sometimes a lion won’t want to workout. He’ll still force himself to go to the gym or
go outside for a run. Once again, a lion sees this as themselves getting stronger.

8 . Follow their purpose.
A lion doesn’t want to work for someone else. Each and every one of us has our own calling. The sheep will tremble in fear. They
think others will think different of them. Sheep
are paralyzed by their fears of what could go wrong.
The lion goes after his dream , even if he
knows he might fail. He’d want to spend his entire life chasing his dream rather than creating someone else’s. With each passing day, a lion is getting better on his craft.
Every person in this world knows what their
passion is. It’s hidden inside of ourselves.
Sheep keep it trapped while lions let it roar.

9 . Show others why they’re the beast.
Everyone wants to be a beast until it’s time to do what beasts do. When others are scared to take a risk, lions capitalize. When there’s blood in the streets, lions make a fortune.
Sheep procrastinate on their tasks. They put it off until tomorrow. A lion smells fear and goes in for the kill. They don’t wait for the ideal time. There is never a more perfect time than in the present.
When it’s Saturday night and the sheep are out partying, the lion is grinding. He doesn’t use a parameter for time. The weekend is another day to work on his craft.

10 . Scare themselves.
Lions have one task every day that scares them. A lion might meditate for twenty minutes
instead of ten. It could be making one-hundred sales call in a day instead of fifty. A lion knows if it wants to grow, he must get out of its comfort zone.
While the sheep stay complacent, a lion is scaring themselves. They want to meet failure, to learn from the circumstance. A sheep
wouldn’t dare to break out of their daily routine. Lions venture into new territory. Places they’ve never been. They conquer new lands and hold the throne to new kingdoms.
Are you a lion or a sheep? Please leave your thoughts below!

“To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.”La Rochefoucauld.

Monday, 9 January 2017

If You Can Imagine It,You Can Accomplish It!

Vision is bringing into existence what's not been as though it exists. Alex Harley once said that "the only way to succeed is through hard,hard work and plenty of Faith". In the theater of life,you can choose to be an actor ,a spectator or critic. Dare to be different! Having dreamt it,you can achieve it. Dreaming alone without a resolute decision to take action in bringing it to existence,you're just dare dreaming. If you're still leaving in " A place called almost" chances are that, you will live the whole of your life a pauper.

Don't stop in there! My spiritual father usually says that "continuation brings freedom". The freedom here can be making success or breakthrough in your life pursuit even though you may have encountered failure or setback.
  Borrowing from the word of Harewood Burns, " the tragedy of life is not that man loses,but that he almost wins". The year is still fresh to maximize and make meaning out of life..........
    Beulah Champion.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Operating on a new strength in new dawn.

Every new day comes with a new strength. God through His Son,has made available all that we will ever need to scale through this life and go up to meet with Him in Heaven. If any of us is still struggling to make meaning out of the life we're living, it is as a result of our ill or no knowledge of Him. For Jesus Christ said that, "for everyone that believes in (ME), the same work I did,that he will do also"....... We've been empowered through new birth to recreate our world and live happily even here on earth before the coming of Jesus Christ. Why then are we still struggling? The answer is simple; Sin is the cause!
    Sin is the grave cause of suffering! It separates men from God because God hates sin. No matter the amount of prayers one prays in unrighteousness, it is just like pouring water upon stones. This morning is filled with new grace and strength to make a life changing decision in order to have a newness of life. Going to church alone without a resolute of doing away with sin, you just went there to fill up a space. Make a decision now and see God manifesting His glory upon you™
That's the beginning of success.....(Mathew 6:33).

Saturday, 7 January 2017

There is no need walking with multitude who contributes less to your destiny™.

Although,there is strength in unity. God and heaven is aware of this! But God himself made mention of " Companion of fools". Fools are ingrates, self-centered and are after what they can gain! What's the need being with people like such who does not add positively to your life and destiny pursuit? If you can give answers to this question,then it is time to rise and make friends with your destiny helpers; the like-minded, who believes in what you believe,who are threading in the same path with you. The year is still fresh and there are boundless opportunities. It's time for you to make and become a person who values and respect him/herself by knowing who comes and stays in her life.
       Stop bemoaning yourself because you're been ridiculed and neglected! They did not create you. Your destiny is in God's palm and no man has a final say over your life. Take time and assess your self to know who is your friend and who to bid bye from being your friend. This is the time to let them go and start living the life you so dream of living
Beulah Champion.

Friday, 6 January 2017

Being truthful, the path to becoming successful.

The world is in die need of sincere and trustworthy people to reckon and have a dealing with. Yes! Few many people dislike people who are men and women of their words. They even go a long way to blackmail them maybe because they refuses to join hands with them to carry out some illegal deals maybe in the office,church or any organisation.
   These set of people can even try their possible best to have the trustworthy ones being evicted by laying evil allegation against them. Truth is a like a bitter pill to them who are not truthful. They lies to sell their products, they lies to gain promotion, they also lies to get a job. But the question is this; how long do you think they stayed enjoying what they had gotten through lies?
   As one who is mindful of where he is going and are ready to pay the price, truthfulness and honesty must be your watchword because, surely, you meet people along the way who may stand a chance in helping you achieving your dream. Faking has never helped any. Faking gives a temporal success, but it destroys a glorious destiny. Be real to yourself, be real to your God and the last and not the least, be real to people even though they may stand against you.

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Be passionate in your pursuit

Passion is an intense feelings,enthusiasm or burning desire to do something. With passion towards a given task or pursuit,successful accomplishments will be half accomplished.
Nobody has ever been celebrated for given up! Situation and circumstances may be encountered, but with a spirit of passion, such a person will actually rise up again.
    "When preparation met with passion, success will be accomplished'. This is because there's never a promising end without a passionate beginning to reaching that end!
Passion and perseverance is the fortitude to soar to a greater height. This has been the secrets of so many achievers of today. You can't get it by mere folding of arms. No,not so! Whatsoever you sow is what you will reap.....(Gal 6:7). Let's seize the newness of this year and make it a favorable one and you're quite on way to success this year. Keep stirring high with passion as your driving force to success this year.